Anyone else experience this?

I have been a home nudist, or as some would call me exhibitionist, for years. I have always enjoyed the feeling of not wearing restrictive clothing, but always in in the safety and security of my home. However since I joined TN and realize other people are looking at me naked and have accepted me for who I am and as I am, I have gained a whole new attitude and self confidence about being nude. Now I want to be nude all the time and where ever possible. I don't care what others think or see, If they can't accept me as I am, then they can look the other way or not look at all. I don't criticize them for their choices I only ask the same in return. Anyone else experience a change after going public or is it just in my head?

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RE: Anyone else experience this?

I have been a home nudist, or as some would call me exhibitionist, for years. I have always enjoyed the feeling of not wearing restrictive clothing, but always in in the safety and security of my home. However since I joined TN and realize other people are looking at me naked and have accepted me for who I am and as I am, I have gained a whole new attitude and self confidence about being nude. Now I want to be nude all the time and where ever possible. I don't care what others think or see, If they can't accept me as I am, then they can look the other way or not look at all. I don't criticize them for their choices I only ask the same in return. Anyone else experience a change after going public or is it just in my head?Nope -- I'm the same way! There are many visuals in live--and seeing many other people that we have to look at--and we all have the right to turn our heads and look elsewhere.... but most are drawn to 'stare' at the beautiful naked form. Nature in it's finest state.Being a nudist--is really about loving who and what you are! A very self-strong attitude to have.... one of the most emotionally strong states of life. In a contemporary society that tells us if we don't have 6-pack abs, tiny waists, big boobsor am8"/20cm schlong--we are less of a human. TrueNudists love who and what they are-regardless of society or others thoughts. A very nice place to be.That's my two-cents

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RE: Anyone else experience this?

    • I have been a home nudist, or as some would call me exhibitionist, for years. I have always enjoyed the feeling of not wearing restrictive clothing, but always in in the safety and security of my home. However since I joined TN and realize other people are looking at me naked and have accepted me for who I am and as I am, I have gained a whole new attitude and self confidence about being nude. Now I want to be nude all the time and where ever possible. I don't care what others think or see, If they can't accept me as I am, then they can look the other way or not look at all. I don't criticize them for their choices I only ask the same in return. Anyone else experience a change after going public or is it just in my head?
      ................if you notice my pics , since I went to resort and joined here I don't care what ppl think of me or what I look like, I am a nudist and wish the whole world was as GOD intended man and woman to be, and may I say I think I look fair for 71 yo .............Ruhl

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RE: Anyone else experience this?

...since I joined TN and realize other people are looking at me naked and have accepted me for who I am and as I am, I have gained a whole new attitude and self confidence about being nude. Now I want to be nude all the time and where ever possible. I don't care what others think or see, If they can't accept me as I am, then they can look the other way or not look at all. I don't criticize them for their choices I only ask the same in return. Anyone else experience a change after going public or is it just in my head?I think thats a common experience once people have got used to public nudity, whether at a beach or club or through sharing recognizable nude photos online. Generally nudists are accepting of others, in my view it doesn't so much matter how we look naked, its that we accept each other as we are, nude with no textile camouflage, just ourselves. I think many nudists do have more confidence, gained by this acceptance for each other in our most natural state. Its something I really appreciate about socialising in nudist environments, in real life and online. I think that going public about our nudism certainly helps in this respect, we have nothing to hide, mentally and physically, there's nothing wrong with being a nudist, its good not to care who knows or sees us naked.
Like you the more time I spend naked the more time I want to be nude, anywhere I can be. I've been a nudist for well over 30 years, am naked wherever and whenever I can be, live nude at home and socialise a fair bit in nudist circles, yet I still want to be nude more often.
As ruhl9 says "since I went to resort and joined here I don't care what ppl think
of me or what I look like, I am a nudist and wish the whole world was
as GOD intended man and woman to be,"
mixing in nudist circles is a great place to be, I prefer it to the textile world and think the world could be a better place if nudism was more widely accepted.

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RE: Anyone else experience this?

Yes, there are a lot of steps and stages in between understanding and doing, particularly while breaking out of a social taboo. Thus the more you come out nude outdoor and don't care who does look at, the more your courage, confidence and enjoyment out of your state increases and your uneasiness decreases. It happens to everybody.

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RE: Anyone else experience this?

Yes I grew in confidence soon after joining TrueNudists. Even more so when amongst other nudists. If I think it's safe, and warm enough,I'll strip off even if nobody else is naked. I have to remind myself that most people don't wander around naked. I do respect those around me so I'm not naked as often as I would like.

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RE: Anyone else experience this?

I think that most people who try nudism, especially socially, gain confidence the more they are naked in company, not just as a nudist but generally too. Being nude online here will help on this score too. Taking the first steps into public nudity can be difficult, once you do this and realise that others accept you as you are in your most natural state, and vice versa, can be very liberating, you might wonder what the big deal was and move onto not caring who can see you recognizable and fully naked. Openly being a nudist online can lead to opportunities to be nude socially, you may find other nudists to meet and nude places to go to nearby. I really like being in nudist company, I also like the online nudist community and have made some good friends through it, I don't do other online social networking. I have other interests but nudism increasingly becomes a bigger part of life, being open and upfront about my nudism only seems to have had positive results, I hope it does for others who already enjoy life naked or are taking their first steps as nudists.

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