
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the 50 degree weather!!.

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RE: Defrost!!

A few more sunny days and we may have a yard again!

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RE: Defrost!!

A few more sunny days and we may have a yard again!Excellent point - I think being naked in the main de would be GREAT fun!!

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RE: Defrost!!

I meant being naked in the MUD.... I hate "autocorrect."

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RE: Defrost!!

Sure, Ud be up for mud wrestling!
Though I've recently discovered the joys of stomping through three feet if snow for firewood wearing nothing but boots. An exciting new winter activity, if anyone has ever tried it!

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RE: Defrost!!

Sure, Ud be up for mud wrestling!Though I've recently discovered the joys of stomping through three feet if snow for firewood wearing nothing but boots. An exciting new winter activity, if anyone has ever tried it!That works better with a friend to catch you before you fall into the snow!

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RE: Defrost!!

Sure, Ud be up for mud wrestling!Though I've recently discovered the joys of stomping through three feet if snow for firewood wearing nothing but boots. An exciting new winter activity, if anyone has ever tried it!I must visit your woodpile some time!

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RE: Defrost!!

Sure, Ud be up for mud wrestling!Though I've recently discovered the joys of stomping through three feet if snow for firewood wearing nothing but boots. An exciting new winter activity, if anyone has ever tried it!I must visit your woodpile some time!
David, you left too early. It was a trip up to our wood pile when the fire had burned down.

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RE: Defrost!!

Sure, Ud be up for mud wrestling!Though I've recently discovered the joys of stomping through three feet if snow for firewood wearing nothing but boots. An exciting new winter activity, if anyone has ever tried it!That works better with a friend to catch you before you fall into the snow!It sure does! Or to pull you out when you get stuck! (While the other friend stands in the warm house with a drink, looking out the window and laughing. Just saying... LOL

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RE: Defrost!!

Sure, Ud be up for mud wrestling!Though I've recently discovered the joys of stomping through three feet if snow for firewood wearing nothing but boots. An exciting new winter activity, if anyone has ever tried it!That works better with a friend to catch you before you fall into the snow!It sure does! Or to pull you out when you get stuck! (While the other friend stands in the warm house with a drink, looking out the window and laughing. Just saying... LOLI wasn't laughing. I was smirking. And I took pictures. :-)

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RE: Defrost!!

Sure, Ud be up for mud wrestling!Though I've recently discovered the joys of stomping through three feet if snow for firewood wearing nothing but boots. An exciting new winter activity, if anyone has ever tried it!That works better with a friend to catch you before you fall into the snow!It sure does! Or to pull you out when you get stuck! (While the other friend stands in the warm house with a drink, looking out the window and laughing. Just saying... LOLI wasn't laughing. I was smirking. And I took pictures. :-)ROFL! Well, we were talking about a naked horror movie night.... those pictures might just qualify....

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