Becoming less active because I prefer to be nude

I have noticed myself just staying home and not getting out in the community, doing things I used to do, I think because I would much rather be nude at home than dressed in public. Anyone else find this happening to them?

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RE: Becoming less active because I prefer to be nude

Yes, I found myself to be in that exact same position, I wanted to exercise more, I wanted to socialize more and I wanted to be dressed less. My answer was to move into the clothing optional community where I live now.

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RE: Becoming less active because I prefer to be nude

Yes, getting dressed to go on errands or to public functions has become a hassle. I find that I have to force myself to go out. The only time I'm anxious to go out is whenI have a nude function to attend.

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RE: Becoming less active because I prefer to be nude

I find more and more that I put off the things I need to do in town because I would much rather be nude at home. So, I put off til the last minute and then rush to get, almost, everything done. I have to take our puppy for at least a 3 mile walk/run every day. I found a trail that is 1.7 miles in to an abandoned cabin that has a deck facing south overlooking a beautiful river. After a real fast-paced hike into the cabin I strip down and relax in the sun, naked, even though the outside air temperature is around 30 F. Very comfortable. I generally stay for about an hour. After telling my wife about this she now joins me on her days off (yes, she is a nudie, too!). As far as activity level, because of the puppy walking and the remote cabin, I have been active enough to lose 16 pounds (214 to 198) in the last 6 weeks. And this is in the middle of winter, here, near the Canadian border. Oh, and I generally have to snowshoe on the trail which makes for an even better workout.

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RE: Becoming less active because I prefer to be nude

And nude is how this weekend was...stripped off about 11 AM on Friday, weather was nasty, rainy, so except for about 30 minutes on Sunday when I ran to the local grocery store, I was (still am)nude for about 67 consecutive hours.

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