50 Plus Nudists

A group for nudists 50 years old or more. A place to discuss issues concerning nudism, past experiences, new directions, plans for your future ... most anything that strikes the veteran nudist's interest. BLANK, PARTIALLY filled out or PRIVATE profiles will not be allowed to join ... unless you contact me first. Thanks for your understanding.

Sandlot football from the 60s & 70s

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I was just perusing the Chat room and watching conversations when someone mentioned their progeny playing Rugby and noting the game was easier now than in the 70s. That comment made me remember playing neighborhood tackle football during the 60s & 70s; it was tough! Sissies need not show up. Ours was full contact tackle, only occasional blocking in the back and solid hits were applauded. There were no pads, pebbles in the dirt, and occasional sideline trees for out of bounds. We were all scuffed up and bleeding on a periodic basis but we learned how to play very hard. Moreover, we learned how to avoid injury and still play again another day. I think our young of today are missing a lot of valuable life lessons with their watered-down sports; its not a good life primer. Nothing like a blindside layout in the vacant lot down the street to learn that some folks play rough. It also preps you for those same types in later life. Anyone else experienced the same?

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