Doctor, I Am Fully Naked!

Have you been through medical exam fully naked? How about cystoscopy and/or colonoscopy? What were the experiences like? [CYSTOSCOPY is the procedure where a doctor examines the lining of the bladder and the urethra by a cystoscope into the penis. COLONOSCOPY is the procedure where a doctor examines the colon (large intestine) and rectum by inserting a colonoscope (a long, flexible tube) into the...

Doc admits nude time

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Years ago while clothed I slipped on my icy front steps. I knew something was not right with my wrist and so went to the local orthopedic clinic. The doc ordered x-rays which showed a minor fracture. As he was giving me instructions I casually mentioned that when I fell this time I had clothes on unlike the time when while dripping wet getting out of the hot tub i began to slip on the icy step to retrieve the dog from her run. I caught myself but in that instant had already composed the headline "Naked Man Found Frozen to Death, Dog Licking His Feet". The doc laughed and admitted to soaking nude in his hot tub too even if the neighbors spotted him he did not care, "let them look" he added.

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