Full Frontal Men (Gay-Straight-Bi)

Exclusively for Full Frontal Nudists. 1630 active members who submitted 760 full frontal photos so far! (Single, Married, Divorced, Widower) who are not shy/afraid to be judged by other fellow men nudist and show themselves to the world. . It's time to be ourselves and meet/know likeminded guys. I have being running 2 successful groups here that have more than 2,000 members each. Check them...

Just saying hello

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Hi all - just wanted to say hello. I guess we all feel the same way - hate the fakers and those just lurking. If you happen to look at my profile, you'll see that I'm more than happy to be seen full frontal. If there are anything you think are worthy of being placed in the pics section of this group, just send me a note and I'll be happy to upload to the group. I'd love to meet with anyone in the Norfolk VA area or visiting to share photos, take more, or just have a coffee or drink together.

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