Barefoot Wallk

Walk without shoes, barefoot at all situations, experiences

Grew up barefoot

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Growing up I was barefoot essentially anytime I wasn't in school or church. Continued that into adulthood. I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, which is essentially devoid of weather -- probably have to have lived there to know what I mean.

Moved out into the country in Colorado and had no problem walking on the gravel roads. However, that first winter was my undoing. Come spring, I could hardly stand to be outside barefoot. Ended up wearing shoes most of the time.

I now live in Missouri -- don't really have winter here -- at least not like Colorado. Continued wearing shoes most of the time. About six years ago, however, I decided I was going to get my bare feet back and just gutted it out for a year. Well worth the pain and the effort.

Was still working, but only wore shoes while at work -- barefoot everywhere else. Switched to a work from home job and became full-time nudist and full-time barefooter. Over six months since the last time I had shoes on. Still have to put clothing on to go shopping.

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RE:Grew up barefoot

I try to live as naturally as possible. So, barefoot all the time. Nude as much as possible.

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RE:Grew up barefoot

Best way to live, all natural :)

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RE:Grew up barefoot

I even quit cutting my hair -- I just want to be who I am.

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RE:Grew up barefoot

Sounds like you had a great journey...very impressed

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RE:Grew up barefoot


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