Buff Gardeners

This group is intended for those who enjoy the natural aspect of gardening, and don't feel the need to cover their natural state while tending their plants. This group may be used to exchange ideas, and success stories, and of course...recipes, that have been brought fourth from the earth.

Poison Ivy and Ticks

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Tis the season for both.
As for poison ivy, fortunately I am not very allergic to it. When I know I have been in it I make sure to scrub the parts of my bodythat have touched it with a degreaser like the ones mechanics use to get motor oil off them. It is the oil in the plant that makes you itch so getting it off you with something that is made to dissolve oil is the best way.
As for ticks , yes they are creepy and can carry Lyme and other diseases , but they can only infect you if they bite and burrow in to you.Most advice says avoid areas like uncut grass and brush, wear long pants tucked in to boots and long sleeves. Sounds like torture to me.I wear my Crocs and only them, if a tick gets on me I can see it and brush it off long before it ever digs in.
Anyone else have any garden in the buff tips?
I spent today cutting down a few clumps of ornamental grass, gloves were worn but nothing else until I had to drag it to the brush pile and that route was in view of the road.

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RE: Poison Ivy and Ticks

Ah how you suffer in the USA. Come to the UK where we only have
nettles and brambles- and midges in Scotland

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