Burning Man Fans

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need recommendations for a first timer nudist going to burning man 2009

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this year is my first time going to BM and I'm so excited.... I'm a true nudist and the fact that i could be naked all the time keeps me alert. However, i can't find real info of where should i camp; are there specific nude areas? can i be naked everywhere? how do you protect you body from sand and weather?
I'll appreciatte any idea, recommendation, advice, etc etc....

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RE: need recommendations for a first timer nudist going to burning man 2009

-- in the 9 years we have attented -- we have been nude all over the area---no specific nude area, that i have ever heard of--- it is your choice.
--as far as sun--wind-- etc. a real good sun hat (or hats) --and some sort of gogges and dust masks are a good idea --for the ocasionally """white out"" dust.

jim and sunny

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RE: need recommendations for a first timer nudist going to burning man 2009

hello- i got a notification thet you had sent me a message on TN -- but it has never come up ??

jim and sunny

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