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Just trying to meet people

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I joined this site with the intention on finding some like minded nudists to meet and hang out with. This is proving to be impossible based on the fact that nobody will talk to a "single male". Granted I understand that 80 percent of these men are weird and say weird things. I AM NOT one of those males. Before immediately denying someone's request, why don't you look at their page or maybe even ask them a question. Alls I really want is to meet some people, I can be nude around and have fun. The constant struggle is making this far from fun.

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RE: Just trying to meet people

Well you are not alone in this fight. It took me some time to make friends as a single male but I was able to. I have also joined AANR and The Naturist Society. I belong to a nudist resort in Wisconsin that has help me meet others and found that there is not much in the way of any Illinois gatherings sadly. I travel to Wisconsin all the time to meet with frinds and have Naked movie night or go to the nude beach. It's not easy and took me a couple months before someone reached out to me and said let's meet up at this resort in Wisconsin and that started an awesome friendship. I have meet meet other single men, women, and couples over the last year and we have hit it off and enjoy the lifestyle. There are others on this site that are here for other reason and really don't want to meet at all of course that is dishearting to say the least. Yes you are correct that single males get far less requests and others don't read profilesor bother to ask a few questions. I try to give everyone a far shake yet I still run into issues and have changed a few things on my profile and that has helped. I hope that this helps you.Matt

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