Christian Nudist Connection

This is a group (formerly known as Christian Nudist Convocation) to discuss our Christian and Nudist beliefs and faith, to invite, promote and simply enjoy each others company. Though Christian Nudist Convocation no longer exists due to closing, we will continue to use this to support the Christian fellowships already in process here and at local clubs. So join us and be a part of a growing...

trying to find a relationship

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Ok, I'm an older single nudist male. I'm TRYING to find a Christian nudist woman. It's like I'm the kiss of death in the single nudist woman's world. Because I'm single and I'm older, I'm marked as a pervert. So here is the queston. HOW do older SINGLE men MEET older SiNGLE women? I'm about to give up on nudist women because I just want a meaningful relationship. If that means NOT a nudist woman, I can live with that. The Stigma that goes with "old" and "single" and" nudist" I'm about done with dealing with.
So, If there is a physically fit nudist woman who wants a physically fit nudist man who wants a meaningful relationship. Well show yourself.

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