Colorado, The Centennial State!

Just as the name says. This group exists so others in the state can find one another. Created Autumn 2019.

Hiking This Summer

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This past summer Kodou2020 and I had a failed attempt at a naked hike up a 13,000 ft peak. We will try again this summer, and if you are interested, let us know. This is a hike for the fit altitude adjusted. However, if people are interested in a less strenuous excursion somewhere in the Colorado mountains, were could schedule something. I know places in the NW and SW mountains, which are ideal because of the lower numbers of people and empty spaces. Off the I-70 corridor is a bigger challenge, but with a little bit of scouting we can probably find something more centrally located.

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RE:Hiking This Summer

I'd like to go hiking this summer for sure

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