Could Be Nude 24/7

Anyone who would be conformable being completely nude 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. If you would be comfortable nude doing everyday things like working, driving, shopping, going to the bank, every day activities. I know I would if it was socially acceptable.

Home nudist in headllights

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Was out this morning about 4:00 am. Walked to the curb and a car up the street stopped (there's a stop sign posted). I was putting out the trash collection. I am certain the driver saw me. I walked back the way I'm came & into my garage. Nothing occurred. Could be because I open carry a pistol.

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RE: Home nudist in headllights

You open carry while nude, or did I just misunderstand?

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RE: Home nudist in headllights

Which is more intimidateing to a clothed woman: A naked man or a
man carrying a gun? Nobody ever died from looking at a naked

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RE: Home nudist in headllights

Could be because I open carry a pistol.Sorry about whatever happened to make you so paranoid.

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