Dancing Naked

If you like to groove in the nude...or jiggle your bits in the mirror, this is for you. share your experiences stories and what happens behind closed doors with the hairbrush and mirror, or out in public on the beach, clubs whatever.

Flamboyant dancing

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I was at a nudist long week end. On the Friday night they had a very good group - good to dance to. So I got up and danced. I was aware that I was the only nude in the room but the beat was good so...... Afterwards I was told off for flamboyant dancing. Maybe my chunky metal PA caught too much attention.

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RE:Flamboyant dancing

I think it's fine to dance nude at a dance that is held at a nudist club. I don't know about the "flamboyant" part that you are referring to. Ironically, most of the dances that my wife and I have attended at various AANR nudist clubs in Florida had themes where people dressed up. I think that it's fine to dance nude, even slow dances. as long as things don't become inappropriate and/or overtly sexual.

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