Driving Naked

For those who enjoy driving in the nude.

Perfect wrap for driving nude

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Turtle Island

Throw this around your waist going to the vehicle and easy to open when in and provide a nice place to sit while driving. Quick to cover up and great if you have to stop and get gas. Also will save you from possible charges if pulled over.

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RE:Perfect wrap for driving nude

Any sort of wrap or a kilt are ideal, especially if they are short. They can easily be undone when in the car or anywhere else you want instant nudity.

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RE:Perfect wrap for driving nude

I find a sarong comes in very useful for such occassions

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RE:Perfect wrap for driving nude

I've gotten my wife a couple of sarongs, but never one for me. I went ahead and did it and got another for her, so thanks for the link. The pricing looked decent. And it does make sense to have one while I'm driving. We're going on a long distance drive in a couple of weeks. I'll be having one just as described in here for that.

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RE:Perfect wrap for driving nude

I love wearing them at resorts, the beach or around home, when I have to be out in public. We were just at a nude resort and I needed to pack the car for the trip home. Had I remembered to take a sarong with me, I would have been able to just tie one around me for the back and forth trips from the resort to the parking lot to load the car! Instead, I slipped on shorts. ;p

At the beach, I will sometimes wear one from car to nude section of the beach and back to the car. Most times, I just slip it off, rinse off near the car with a make shift shower we have, dry off and sit on the sarong on the way home.

Around home, summer time is the best time because I wear one to take out the trash bins in the day time, slip one on to get the Sunday paper or greet the UPS, USPS, FedEx people at the front door ... or I wait til they leave and retrieve what they leave at the door, naked! ;D

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RE:Perfect wrap for driving nude

I've been getting the mail a lot nude as well and taking the trash out. Our street is quiet and dark so fairly safe to do so, but even grab the mail off the front porch in daylight.

We had some friends over a couple of times last week, nudist friends, and I walked them out nude at the end of the evening as well. One of them just went ahead and drove home nude. It's been a great adventure for sure.

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