Everyday Naked Living

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Will you be nude??

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As the colder weather (and snow for some of us) approaches, what are your plans to be able to be nude over the winter months?

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RE:Will you be nude??

Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of body fat! ;-)

Lucky you. It's a luxury I would give up if it were so easy. When I met my wife at age 31 I weighed 138 pounds and at 5'11" I was pretty skinny. Now at 61 I'm still 5'11" but 188 at the moment. 50 pounds keeps you nice and cozy it seems. Went form a carpenter out on the job swinging a hammer to sitting behind a computer. Planning to get back on the work out train after the holidays. Not just for the weight but for the health. Been threatening to do it for months. Still pretty active but if I could lose 10 I'd be happy. I was there in the summer. Maybe it's just my winter fat! Haha!

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RE:Will you be nude??

Living in south Louisiana the winters don't get very cold snow is a rare site maybe 1-2 times every ten years or so. It is considered cold when the temperature dips below 40 so its not much of a change for me just use a blanket at night.

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RE:Will you be nude??

Life is pretty well back to normal for us nowadays and we're nude all the time. Periodic trips out to the store and running errands for the holiday prep are a little more frequent but not long periods of wearing clothes before we're home and naked once again.

It's been pretty cold in the mornings but I cracked the ice ceiling this morning and got my wife to turn on the heater for about 10 mins to take the chill off the house. Even though the thermostat read 65 degrees, I slipped outta my robe and put on a flannel shirt and was comfortable with it unbuttoned and barefoot! ;D

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