Free Style Nudity

A group for those who want to be nude on their own terms - without the hassles and rules of organised and commercialised nudism and naturism. It is a forum for discussion and exchange of information, with the aim of allowing more people to "do it their own way".Photos are allowed so please add lots of them - they make for a lively group. For confidentiality I have set it so that only...

Nudism and erections

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This is my first post in this group and I hope that I don't offend anyone with it. If it's out of line I hope the group owner will remove it right away..........
Recently I read somwhere that 99% of all men does not get an erection while visiting a nude beach or a nude resort. I simply dont believe that statement.
Every man gets an erection every now and then if they are functioning normally that is.Normally erections are considered extremelly bad in a nudist enviroment but does it always have to be so? On a textile beach it is generally accepted if a man walks around with a large bulge in his pants but among nudists its not accepted at all.Please don't think that I endulge people to run around waving their private parts in other peoples faces because that is one thing I would never do myself. You have to show other people respect!
I sometimes get hard when I fall asleep in the sun. If I lay face down there's not much to say about it except that I find it very hard to get rid of my erection when I press it to the ground. Usually I turn around and sit up with my legs pulled up so I can hide it between my thighs while it gently returns to a flaccid state.If I fall asleep on my back..well that's a different story.My question is if an erect penis really can be considered offensive if someone lay down and doesn't disturb anyone else with it? People can always look in another direction or am I completely lost here.?

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Don't be too hard on yourself!

Swede- I did not take the time to read all the posts but, I can say from my experience, that going to a nude activity whether it be a Beach, or a Resort, whatever, does NOT promote an erection. If it does maybe you are in the wrong place. Jail is the place that comes to my mind. I am a guy that gets an erection as easily or maybe more so than the next guy, but I have to tell you going to a nude event does not give me an erection, matter of fact quite the opposite. The places I go have many beautiful women, but my reason for being there is not to "SCORE" with them. It is for man and women to live in harmony even if we are naked, the way we was brought into this world. I see the HUMAN BODY as a work of art, different colors, different shapes, no two are exactly alike, Thank God for that, or this world would be a pretty dam boring place. Just seeing the beauty in what was created does not mean you need to get an erection and take it to bed...... Oh well interesting topic. Everyone who reads this ..Have a GREAT DAY........Sorry about the heading, but I do think you are being a bit puritanical, 2scorps. Maybe a little bit of explanation might help - many of the members of this group, including Swede, are European and do not suffer from the inhibiting attitudes to nudity which prevail in the USA. Many of the Europeans here just go to beaches and take their clothes off. Just that, no resorts. no permitted areas, no clothing optional, just do what you want. France is very good in that respect - you probably wouldn't go nude on a Sunday on a beach crowded with locals, but anywhere quieter and you will find nobody takes any notice, or certainly not offence. Take a look at this photo:

me, on a beach in France, with clothed people walking along down by the shore line.
Think of that background and you can think of a different approach. I enjoy going to the beach but I always enjoy it much more if I am naked. It makes me feel sexy, even more so if I know there are people around enjoying looking at me. If I see that a man gets an erection looking at me, I take it as a compliment. Most men get embarrassed if I notice, but I usually try to make it clear I appreciate the response - a discreet nod of appreciation is usually enough to make the man feel less embarrassed.
You are new to the group - please keep going through the discussions and I think you will find most group members have a very mature attitude to sexuality and do subscribe to the rather juvenile and unrealistic dichotomy between sex and nudism that is all too prevalent here.

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RE: Don't be too hard on yourself!

Thank you all for the input in this thread!
I really appreciate it. :-)

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RE: Don't be too hard on yourself!

Living in the US and traveling to Europe has made me see a big difference in the societal response to nudity, which to me argues for the European approach pamela69 and others here describe. US laws have forced anyone who wants to be nude on beaches or anywhere socially into commercial resorts. Very few public areas allow nudity. If they do there really is no interaction between the naked and textile worlds. Clothing optional public areas (nude beaches)j are pretty much it. If you want to be nude in public areas, there needs to be an event or you do it in stealth mode. The public nude beaches typically are outlaw operations where law enforcement looks the other way. But this means they open and close based on the philosophy of the current fed, state and local politicos. Private resorts tend to be isolated, away from the rest of the community, so there is little social interaction between the textile and naked world. Europe's approach seems much more healthy in that nudity is not in itself considered an affront in many settings, so the experience of public nudity is more integrated into the fabric of textile life. We are sexual beings, so erections and female arousal are part of the territory and sometimes make for uncomfortable moments. Healthy, positive acknowledgment seems a good strategy, as it allows for many possibilities to be weighed on their own merits. Also, I don't know that male and female arousal doesn't occur on textile beaches too.

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