This is a group for men who enjoy Freeballing, going Commando, oh heck, just plain not wearing underwear! It is an un-necessary piece of very restrictive clothing. When we are nude, our equipment hangs free, why not when we are dressed! Share experiences and stories about your times freeballing, and how you got started.

Proud freeballer

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Whenever I am freeballing, I simple feel great about it and love it when someone notice that. But I have seen people who feel shy if someone notices that they r freeballing. How many of you feel that its great for others to know that you are freeballing? Also how do you handle erections while freeballing?

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RE: Proud freeballer

It's very liberating to let the boys hang without constraint. It's the men's movement akin to bra burning, and it is fun for the whole gang. Sweats and soccer shorts are the best.

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