This is a group for men who enjoy Freeballing, going Commando, oh heck, just plain not wearing underwear! It is an un-necessary piece of very restrictive clothing. When we are nude, our equipment hangs free, why not when we are dressed! Share experiences and stories about your times freeballing, and how you got started.

When is it inappropriate to freeball?

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I freeball almost all the time but someone told me that they think it's pervy to freeball at the gym. I wear the usual almost knee length short so it's not like I'd fall out when I sat on a bench so I don't know why it would be considered pervy.
What do you guys think? When is it inappropriate to freeball?

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RE: When is it inappropriate to freeball?

To freeball, it's never inappropriate for me, as it's nobodies business, as to what I wear underneath the stuff, I need to wear whenever. when working, going out or any meeting at all. I simply just freeball and that's it, no problems.

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RE: When is it inappropriate to freeball?

always freeballing excpt to the they neverunderstand itLOL It was my doctor that told me to free ball to clear up a heat rash I had. That was about 18 yrs ago now and still freeball.

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RE: When is it inappropriate to freeball?

I don't think you're inappropriate in your actions. You're taking precautions so that nothing slips out of place in public, but even if it did, I would consider it sexy!!! My husband loves to freeball ... and I love for him to also :-)

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RE: When is it inappropriate to freeball?

Never !

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RE: When is it inappropriate to freeball?

It is never "inappropriate" to freeball. Two reasons...1. Nudists shouldn't be spending too much time worrying about what is appropriate in the first place.2. If you can't freeball in the gym where can you? The word gym actually comes from the Greek word gymnos, which means place to be naked. Historically the gym was a place to take your clothes off and work out. Someone getting offended from a little crotch view shows how far we've digresses in this area. It's really too bad that the gym isn't a place to truly be naked, which in ancient times was all part of the experience. Shed your clothes and shed your stress as you sweat it out and bathe afterwards. Plus, there were no sweaty clothes to have to clean!

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RE: When is it inappropriate to freeball?

I freeball almost all the time but someone told me that they think it's pervy to freeball at the gym. I wear the usual almost knee length short so it's not like I'd fall out when I sat on a bench so I don't know why it would be considered pervy.What do you guys think? When is it inappropriate to freeball?

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RE: When is it inappropriate to freeball?

I freeball almost all the time but someone told me that they think it's pervy to freeball at the gym. I wear the usual almost knee length short so it's not like I'd fall out when I sat on a bench so I don't know why it would be considered pervy.What do you guys think? When is it inappropriate to freeball?Never! its only natural. Who cares. Be who you are.

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RE: When is it inappropriate to freeball?

I always freeball. I have freeballed everywhere: Work, Church, Doctor's office you name it......... It's appropriate to free ball anywhere.I'm with Smoothflyguy. I've freeballed everywhere.
The last time I had a physical, the doctor told me to take off my shirt and pants long before he would have told me to remove my underwear. When I was naked, he said I could put my pants back on. I told him that it was ok, I'd have to remove them shortly anyway. He did the physical like normal, only I was completely naked.
That was actually the first time I've freeballed to the doctor's office. I usually remember to put on underwear, but had forgotten. Now that I've done it once, I won't bother with the underwear next time.

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RE: When is it inappropriate to freeball?

I can't think of a time where I would require myself to wear underwear... The last time that I was required to was in Jr High, and I figured out how to stop shortly after then... I have worn underwear only 4 times since I was 16, all for medical reasons, I'm 34. I don't think anyone should be able to tell you that you HAVE to wear underwear! (Really Clothing in general but, in current society that will not happen)

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RE: When is it inappropriate to freeball?

Certainly to doctor's appointments is a great time to freeball. I have had four medical appointments in the last month. The first was to see my urologist, which was a pants-down exam. The second was to see my primary care doctor. It also ended with a pants-down exam. Just this week, I have had a renal ultrasound, which included my kidneys, my bladder - full and then empty, and my prostate. While I didn't have to actually lower my pants, I did have to open the front of them. The last was a dermatology consult. Since it was for a dark band across my hips and upper buttocks, it was definitely a pants-down affair. I ended up being totally naked on the exam chair for quite a while while they did two biopsies. I also got a total skin exam out of the bargain. Freeballing definitely helped, since i didn't have to be concerned with underwear, and my shorts slipped off easily over my shoes. Underwear now bugs me if I try to even wear it, even for a short time.

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