This is a group for men who enjoy Freeballing, going Commando, oh heck, just plain not wearing underwear! It is an un-necessary piece of very restrictive clothing. When we are nude, our equipment hangs free, why not when we are dressed! Share experiences and stories about your times freeballing, and how you got started.

About the smoothing procedures

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Okay, we have had a good go about being smooth round our genital area. Some of us do it all the time and some are in between and some leave it all natural. Is it a matter of turn on by the looks? is it a matter of practicality, or is it a matter just by itself?I have been smooth for some time, but I find it very laborious now, and I don't think, to find my way back into a loyal manscape situation. perhaps some do share my conviction and I know there are lots of you, who think contrary. This is all good, just like to work out our men's culture and for what reason we do what we do.

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RE: About the smoothing procedures

I have three reasons for preferring to be smooth. First and foremost, I like the smooth silky feel. Like the Clothing designers' say about fabric "it has a nice hand".Second, For hygienic reasons I prefer to be smooth. I do a lot of outdoor work while naked and the perspiration dries better and is less sticky. And if need be, the balls can be sprayed with WD40 to slip and slide better.Third, if I am in a work area with debris like the hay loft, chain sawing, sweeping, etc. there is no hair to gather crumbs! Don't use WD40 in these circumstances!!ON other guys I like smooth for two reasons. First it is all the better to see what they have.Second, I don't like a nose or mouth full of hair!ENOUGH!

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RE: About the smoothing procedures

I'm naturally very hairy. For a period I alternated between being hairy in the winter and smooth in the summer. Now I stick to being smooth all year round. I like the feel of my skin and its sensuality. For a while I shaved each day whilst experimenting with various hair removal methods. Now I just have a full body wax. It's actually quite relaxing despite the pain - like a three-hour pampering session. A local woman does it very professionally, especially when handling my bits during the intimate waxing stage. The down side is that the body hair has to grow to a certain length before each waxing. But it feels blissful afterwards with none of that stubble we get when shaving. I also prefer my partners to be smooth too, all over.

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