Full Nude Pictures (Male Or Female)

Looking for people who are not afriad to show full nude pictures (Male or Female)

I totally agree, we should be certified and show faces. I like to know and see who I am chatting to..

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RE: Agree

I agree with you. .!!

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RE: Agree

Visit my profile and see full nude pictures.

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RE: Agree

It does make a difference when people here share fully nude photos that include their face, it shows that they are unashamed to be recognised as nudists and helps in conveying that they are genuine. Seeing someones face in nude photos looks much better than when their face is turned away, cropped out, or obscured. I understand why some have work type issues about sharing full nude photos here but I do prefer meeting fully open nudists here. I've never had a problem from sharing recognizable nude photos online, I'm not sure what problems might arise anyway as I don't hide the fact that I'm a nudist, its nothing to be embarrassed about. I enjoy life naked too much to worry about what others may think and like to meet and see others with a similar open approach to being nudists.

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RE: Agree

Agree entirely.I too understand that some people have a problem with showing their face in the initial photo (I have a friend on here who is a teacher and I understand fully why he wouldn't want his face showing apart from to people he has decided to befriend) I don't mind showing my face - I'm proud of who I am and of what I stand for. I have friends who think being a nudist or naturist is another word for being an exhibitionist - shows how little they understand it! Well, they can call me what they like - I am secure in my own skin and not afraid for others to see it or share it.

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RE: Agree

I agree.

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RE: Agree

Allow me to be the first to disagree, although Nikwax touched on it. There are many reasons where it would be unwise if not dangerous to show your full naked body. One has to recognise that www stands for World Wide Web and that the vast majority of countries of the World have laws against nudism and where depiction of the nude body is treated as pornography. Sanctions against pornography include life (Iran) and death (Afghanistan, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Somalia). There are also certain occupations where it would be unwise to reveal that you are a nudist, including law enforcement, teaching, etc. Whilst I am in total agreement with all previous contributions, unfortunately the World is not yet the ideal world we wish it would be.

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RE: Agree

Well said Miker1947 - I doubt if the world will ever be that kind of a place! It is so sad, but true!

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RE: Agree

I'm afraid I have to disagree with miker1947. While it is true that nudity is a crime in Islamic countries, we must not extend punishments meted out for pornography as if it's the same as just being naked. I agree if you're from Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, it's best not to post your nude photos in a public place. But how many of the people we all know who conceal their faces whenever their nude photos are posted are really from these countries? None.
A lot of the fears we have are in fact imagined and not real. I live in a country with draconian laws which has strict laws against nudity even in your home if you can be seen from the outside. People have been charged in court for being naked in their own kitchen simply because a neighbour happened to look through the window and saw the naked person. I have friends who are now in prison for going naked on a deserted beach in a neighbouring country which happens to be a Muslim country. Of course I am careful not to go naked in a Muslim country and my country is surrounded by Muslim countries.
One would think that I shouldn't be posting my own nude photos with my face clearly seen but I have done that for a long time now. It's not as bad as we imagine. Of course I totally cannot understand people who live in the West who are afraid of posting their photos with face. Ultimately as long as we are willing to be open about the fact that we are naturists, there should be no problem. The problem arises only when we are closet naturists and we try to keep our naturism a secret. Everyone who knows me including people in my church knows I'm a naturist. Once that's out, there are no more surprises and frankly, people aren't that interested. It's when you deny being a naturist or pretend you're not and others find out that you are that there's going to be a backlash.
Of course I respect the right of people to do as they please. But I just want to point out that a lot of times, our fears are merely imagined. But it's a different ballgame if you live in a Muslim country. But almost always, we are talking about people who live in the US or Europe.

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RE: Agree

While I agree that ll nudists on a decently moderated nudist forum should be quite open with they picture, there are two categories of people who, in my opinion, can validly be excluded from this requirement.
The first is people whose position is so sensitive that they cannot even take the chance of a stray interloper to the site seeing and outing them. These people should be excused open pictures but should be certified and ought to put a short sentence in the public portion of their profile stating their situation.
The second is people who are new to nudism and just dipping their toe in the water. They will probably be too shy to submit the naked picture needed for certification, but should still be welcomed into the community. Again an appropriate sentence or two should be required of them in their profile until they either take the plunge or decide that nudism is not for them.
For myself, I am now totally open within the nude community as you will see from my profile pictures.

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RE: Agree

Same here! I also only consider Friend Request's if they are certified.

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