Golf Nudists

Anybody who enjoys playing, watching, lives on a course or just loves the game. Anyone who has or wants to golf as a nudist.

Woods & Weeds, Bugs & Bees

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Nude golf sounds intriguing enough. I have played at many rural, remote courses where once you progress along a few holes, there is no one around you. Social distancing tongue MAX. So the thought has crossed my mind how cool it would be to just shed clothing and play a few holes.
Of course some protocols and easing of some rules would have to be set for nude golf. I am always in the thicket of burrs and thorns so you would not want players having to always 'play as it lies.'
Overall there are far more conducive sports for naked players, well like beach volleyball, for instance. But if you love golf and covet nudism, you cannot help but wonder how the two activities would go together!
Good luck with your own game.

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RE:Woods & Weeds, Bugs & Bees

Nudity and golf go very well together. I've played a rural course in Michigan several times where most of the holes are out in the woods and quite private. By the fifth hole we'd be all alone on the course in mid summer so off came the clothes. Even the shoes. Bare foot golf gives you a feel for weight transfer, and you tend to swing smoothly. It's the same with putts. Playing nude is a fabulous experience.

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RE:Woods & Weeds, Bugs & Bees

I have not played nude, but I totally would. I think golf lends itself pretty well to nudism, but yeah, you may loose a few more balls for not wanting to venture into the gnarly stuff. Totally worth it.

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