Guys Who Wear Briefs

guys who love to wear briefs instead of boxers

As we age, in addition to appearances, briefs have a practical application.

I recently had a physical exam which included the ol' finger-up-the-ass prostate check. Apparently, my prostate is slightly enlarged--not enough to cause concern, bit within a range which is fairly typical of men my age. As urine passes from our bladders, the urethra runs thru the middle of the prostate. A slight change in the prostate compresses it, with the consequence that we don't completely empty our bladders. Even in younger men, the way we stand to urinate compresses that part of our male anatomy, resulting in those annoying drips when we think we're done but really aren't. Thus, when out in the everyday world (i.e. textile) briefs offer protection from those telltale pee stains down the front of our jeans, slacks, shorts, or whatever.

Of course, in the naked world of nudism that simply isn't a problem, since an extra drip or two falling to the ground is hardly noticeable, or else can bee easily concealed by the typical towel that many of us carry around when naked. I have a prescription taken at bedtime which opens the urethra enough at night to alleviate this problem, anyone interested can contact me personally for information.

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And this explains the old addage
"No matter how hard we jump and dance,
The last three drops go down my pants."

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Even in younger men, the way we stand to urinate compresses that part of our male anatomy, resulting in those annoying drips when we think we're done but really aren't.I've always been a sitter but drips were still a problem until I read online that applying light pressure and massage to the perineum helps. Rather than sit or stand there and shake, which doesn't really do much, a bit of light pressure applied and away you go. An empty bladder, no more drips and quite a pleasant sensation as well.

Wow, I really like the part about applying pressure to the perineum, had never heard that. I can't wait to go and pee now and try it out, makes my old man peeing fun!

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I've been using the perineal (is that a word?) squeeze for all the decades I've been doing without underwear, and it does work. Takes a bit longer to work as I get older. It's close enough to the kind of gesture guys with jockey-style underwear use to reassemble things that it (I suppose) passes without notice at public urinals, where the dribble problem is the worst.

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I learn so much from you guys LOL

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