I Always Sleep Naked

For those who enjoy sleeping nude. Para aqueles que curtem dormir n.

Reasons to sleep naked!

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Do you usually sleep with clothes ?, If so, here I bring you 10 reasons for you to start sleeping naked.
1. Sleeping naked slims

Brown fat, the one that protects the body against weight gain, helps burn excess calories by generating heat. Thus, a study published in the journal Diabetes determined that sleeping in a cool room (which is not cold) produces the activation of brown fat helping to lose weight at a much faster rate than in a warm room.
2. Sleeping naked helps to rest better

Certain types of insomnia have been associated with poor regulation of body temperature. Thus, the Sleep Studies Institute of Los Angeles (USA) confirms that sleeping in pajamas, with the consequent increase in body temperature, not only affects the sleep cycle but also inhibits the arrival of deep sleep. Sleeping nude helps regulate body temperature and our sleep is placid, comforting and we will strengthen our memory in this phase as our brain will work quietly.
3. Sleeping naked improves your sex life

Natasha Turner, expert Naturopath North American, published that sleep skin to skin when it releases the hormone of love, oxytocin, which makes us wake up much better the next day, with better mood and also with more s*xual appetite, as oxytocin increases considerably the desire to have sex. This release of oxytocin through contact with the skin of our partner when sleeping also produces a reduction in blood pressure, an improvement in intestinal motility and also helps relieve stress.
4. Sleeping naked keeps you young

The anti-aging hormones and melatonin, that substance that we secrete naturally, that at night helps the body to regulate our sleep cycles, are released much more easily if we have an adequate body temperature. To keep our body temperature below 21 C inside the bed the best way is ... to sleep naked.
5. Sleeping naked is healthier

According to a study by the National Sleep Foundation, sleeping nude regulates cortisol levels that prevent blood pressure and cholesterol from rising, appetite, sleep interruptions or low libido, among other things. In addition, when you sleep in pajamas or under heavy blankets you prevent the release of growth hormone, which hinders the nocturnal repair of bones, muscles and skin.
6. Sleeping naked protects your s*xual organs

Sleeping without pajamas can reduce problems such as fungal infections. Thus, as explained by expert Austin Ugwumadu of St George's Hospital in London (United Kingdom) "this fungus (vaginal fungi) loves closed and warm environments, so it is advisable to wear loose clothing or preferably carry nothing at all." Facing men, sleeping naked improves fertility thanks to the fact that the testicles maintain an adequate temperature.
7. Sleeping naked improves self-esteem

The best strategy for people with self-esteem problems due to their physique is to sleep naked. This simple gesture helps improve confidence and self-esteem as we get used to seeing our body as it is every night when we go to sleep.
8. Sleeping naked improves circulation

The elastic waists of the pajama pants or the ankles, the cuffs of the sleeves or the folds in the nightgowns cause poor circulation of blood throughout our body. To avoid it, there's nothing like getting rid of sleepwear.
9. Sleeping naked decreases the risk of diabetes

A study published in the journal Diabetes concluded that sleeping in a cool room (which is not cold) decreases the risk of diabetes. The experiment carried out during the study determined that people who maintained a stable cool temperature during rest had a greater stability of blood sugar levels and an improvement in insulin sensitivity.
10. Sleeping naked makes you save

How much on average can a pajama cost? How often do you wash them? Both the cost of your purchase as the electricity and water after going through the washing machine disappear if every night you sleep soundly and without it. How much money can you save.

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RE:Reasons to sleep naked!

Great post, thanks. I started sleeping naked about a year ago and its much more comfortable for me.

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RE:Reasons to sleep naked!

Do you usually sleep with clothes ?

This has to be the wrong group for that question. We sleep naked because we like to. So we don't need all those reasons. Give me a lot of reasons to sleep in nightwear and I'd still sleep naked.

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