Indoor Winter Group Activities

This is a group for people who live in cooler winter climates where the outdoor resorts, beaches, etc. are not available for several months. Let's talk about what you have done to get nudists together for meaningful and wholesome fun in indoor group settings. Where do you find space? How do you get the word out? Let's share ideas and see if we can make winter more fruitful time for nudist...

Cool weather activities.

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On 10/26 Meet in Columbia, SC and head out to dinner as a group then back to the property for hot tubbing & b'day cake.
Some will be visiting us in Hopkins on Oct. 19 to help finishing cleaning up the property for the season. Dinner will be cooked for those who help. One of our single lady members made the suggestion since I can't put weight on my right foot (surgery Nov. 1) and Allen's hands are not steady enough.

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