Male Bonding2

For those who like to explore the concept and dynamics of male bonding. Men are socialized in different ways in different societies, and so many men would like to have close male friendships, yet after spending time establishing a career, primary relationship and live in general, find themselves without close male friends. Many of us want male friends with whom we can share openly without...

Anyone into cuddling up with a bud while watching tv or even while having a sleep over? I'm not talking about cuddling up to let it lead to hooking up, but cuddling as another way to show affection and bond with our close friends. I like being able to have that physical contact as well as be totally relaxed and comfortable with a buddy or more just hanging out. Anyone else feel the same or engage in the same behavior without sexuality being an issue?

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RE: Cuddling

becoming a nudist has allowed me to get back to a natural tactile nature, cuddling is definitely in there, and its great when you can relax with another guy with no sexual agenda and have that sort of intimacyits very cool and very human

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RE: Cuddling

Anyone into cuddling up with a bud while watching tv or even while having a sleep over? I'm not talking about cuddling up to let it lead to hooking up, but cuddling as another way to show affection and bond with our close friends. I like being able to have that physical contact as well as be totally relaxed and comfortable with a buddy or more just hanging out. Anyone else feel the same or engage in the same behavior without sexuality being an issue?I so agree its nice to just hang out cuddling and spooning on a couch...not necessarily as a foreplay just enjoying the sensation of having someone there.

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RE: Cuddling

I just did this tonight with another guy. It was so great.I can't get enough naked cuddle time. Feels so good to feel our bodies touching. Our body hair lightly tickling each other's skin.
Can't wait to hang out with him again.

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RE: Cuddling

Sounds fantastic Sam, I am hoping I can enjoy some cuddling time in the next week.

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RE: Cuddling

Sam you need to come down our way and cuddle with us!

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RE: Cuddling

Anyone in London that likes to cuddle?

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RE: Cuddling

I love to cuddle! It is amazing, first time I did a puppy pile so to speak, I was 9 and I have never forgotten that experience. To be honest, there are times I would rather just cuddle than have sex, seems it can be as intimate as sex and as fulfilling. I would really love to find a "cuddle buddy" like people find F-buddies or friends with benefits.

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RE: Cuddling

I love to cuddle! It is amazing, first time I did a puppy pile so to speak, I was 9 and I have never forgotten that experience. To be honest, there are times I would rather just cuddle than have sex, seems it can be as intimate as sex and as fulfilling. I would really love to find a "cuddle buddy" like people find F-buddies or friends with benefits.If I lived near you, I'd be your cuddle-buddy in a second.

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RE: Cuddling

Sam you need to come down our way and cuddle with us!I love to cuddle too. Maybe Sam and I can join you for a puppy pile when the weather gets warmer -- soon, I hope.

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RE: Cuddling

Sam you need to come down our way and cuddle with us!I love to cuddle too. Maybe Sam and I can join you for a puppy pile when the weather gets warmer -- soon, I hope.
Ken and Sam, you are both welcome to come cuddle any time you want. We can keep each other warm while it is still cold or lounge together naked by our pool. Dan

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