Married But Spouse Not Into

For those who are into nudism but spouse is not.

Does spouse know or do you do on side?

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Are you supported at all? Or do you do when they are not around?

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RE: Does spouse know or do you do on side?

My wife does not accept my nudity but has cone to tolerate it. She says it's "just wrong". But she has come to tolerate my being nude at home when no one is visiting. She begrudgingly allows me to go nude around the farm and backyard. She knows that I carry a radio receiver for the driveway alarm and take steps and precautions not to offend the community. She has become accustomed to my nudity and will nicely let me know when visitors are expected. She would not be accepting of social nudity under any circumstances! On the few occasions that I have participated in social nudity have been unknown to her. I have met guys and hiked in the woods etc. On one occasion while I was at a business meeting I stayed at a nudist community nearby. It was actually cheaper than the assigned hotel. I told her I was staying at an off season lodge. We seem to have reached an understanding.

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RE: Does spouse know or do you do on side?

She must know because I have no tan lines. Whenever she sees me laying out in the nude she gives me a rough time. She doesn't mind if I skinny dip in our pool after dark (she has joined me a few times) but doesn't like it if I do during the day. She doesn't know I have visited nude beaches.

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RE: Does spouse know or do you do on side?

Alas I must say on the side, she has caught me a couple of times and went ballistic so when she goes to work, off goes the clothes. I have asked her if she would go to a clothing optional resort and her mouth said no, but her face said "hello no" so I have given up trying to bring her into the fold.

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RE: Does spouse know or do you do on side?

Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm glad I'm not alone here. Thought I was in minority, but see there are many of us in this very sad situation. My wife is 100% against any form of nudity outside the bedroom. We have been naked in our home and yard as we were younger, but at some point, she flopped 180 degrees and won't even sleep nude at home. She knows I enjoy the nude lifestyle, but not the extent of my enjoyment. I have been to nude beach areas, worked in backyard, driven miles nude and been nude socially with other friends. The only part she knows is the beach nudity and she blew a gasket when she found out. She won't accept me naked at home even when alone. She found beach and cockring pics and nearly divorced me on the spot. I was total smoothie, but she HATES it and is forcing me to grow hair back or leave. I still have feelings and love her, so I'm conforming and only being naked when she's not home. I can sneak away to visit with my nude friends, but not at beach because she demands a tan line...UUUGH. Well, being nude whenever I can is better than never. She has gone as far as calling me a perv when she found my pics and when I was smooth.

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RE: Does spouse know or do you do on side?

my wife is good with me being a nudist and has no problem with me being nude when i want .I know iam lucky for thatequally fortunate my wife is no longer comfortable with social nudism but encourages me to get away from time to time with nudist friends. I choose to see that as support and not that she is just trying yo get time without me!!

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RE: Does spouse know or do you do on side?

My wife knows and don't give any problem about being nude at home all the time, going to nude resorts, nudist areas, nude beaches, or belonging to the local nudist club of which I am one of the officers, attending any nudist events. I know from talking to many nudist that I am very lucky, because many have to hide that they are nudist, can't be nude at home unless alone, can not attend nudist events unless wife does not know or when wife is not around.

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RE: Does spouse know or do you do on side?

Somewhat in between. I came into nudism well after Igot into my relationship, and my spouse did not share my interest.While I don't HAVE TO restrict my nudism to when I am alone, itdoes seem to be the trend that I have established.
Unfortunately, I am in the same condition as #154. I do at times
spend nude time when my wife is home - particularly after coming
inside from an outside job and am hot and needing to cool off - but
after about 20 minutes or so, I start getting the
and comments like, are you going to get dressed today?
LOL I have friends who don't have that situation and am
quite envious of them. Maybe it will resolve in the future. .

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RE: Does spouse know or do you do on side?

my wife is good with me being a nudist and has no problem with me being nude when i want .I know iam lucky for thatSame here. In our next house we are going to have a pool and she knows it will be private. And although she doesn't enjoy the lifestyle, she is also okay with me going to the nude beach or resort if honey do list is completed.

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RE:Does spouse know or do you do on side?

Wife doesnt know and I dont know how to broach the subject. Right now I spend most of the time she is not around naked.Also, began sleeping nude when we took to separate rooms due to different sleep patterns. Any tips would be appreciated.

Does she know that you sleep nude?
If not, mentioning it might be a way to start the conversation.
If she does, there are at least two possibilities.
Mention how comfortable you feel when you are nude and express an interest in being nude in other parts of the house.
Gradually do other things nude, to and from shower, start coffee in the morning, undress earlier in the evening, etc.
Do no try to convince her to be nude also if she has any discomfort with it.

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RE:Does spouse know or do you do on side?

My wife is fine with me being nude in the house and inside the privacy fence when it is just the 2 of us, and also OK with me swimming and sunning nude when our adult son who lives with us is in the house. While she is aware that I "sometimes" go to a nude beach, I don't think she knows it is actually "usually"

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