For single men gay, straight or bi who might find it difficult or awkward to holiday solo on naturist holidays. To enable men to link up with like-minded men and international friends in a holiday setting.

How are we managing with all the restrictions to control the spread of Corona Virus? So many countries are not accepting holidaymakers from other countries or insisting on a 14 day isolation (longer than a holiday). And we can't be certain there will be a flight home at the end of a holiday. Holidays in the sun are being cancelled!

My friend has just got a campervan. Hoping for a good summer here in the UK, we can tour and "self isolate" in the van, going on naked hikes. There is some compatibility between isolation and nudity - if a CO club won't accept us.

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I am an active member of an online community where I open my home to long distance bicyclists. While a bit early in the season here in Indiana to have a guest, there are parts of the world people are biking. I have seen hundreds of offers from Warmshower members all over the world to put stranded bikers up in their homes or open their yards for camping. I too have made the offer for my home but doubt I get a rider this early. I also still list my home on Airbnb and had one request so far but I was unable to host due to already having company for the evening.

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