New England Nudist

A group for nudist from the 6 New England states to get to know each other

Venues for new group

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A few acquaintances are considering forming a local, males only, nudist
group. The hope is to be able to have an event each month. The main
topic of discussion has been venues to hold events. While a couple of
them can host house parties (probably indoors), we're looking for ideas
on other places in RI or nearby CT, MA (key word is nearby). If anyone
has any ideas or is interested in such a group, be let me know. Thanks.

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RE: Venues for new group

sure, I'm interested. Love to have some daytime nude gatherings indoors or out.

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RE: Venues for new group

I may be interested too but I also have to ask why men only ?Check the sexual orientation section in the profiles of the OP and zak, who doesn't question why only men... therein lies your answer.
''oh no, it is open to all men; I'm just not comfortable around nude women'' coming in 3... 2... 1...

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RE: Venues for new group

sure, I'm interested. Love to have some daytime nude gatherings indoors or out.I'm interested in a group

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