North Carolina Nudist

A group for all North Carolina Nudist

Carolina Lobster Bash/Oyster Roast report & upcoming

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Members from around the Carolinas and Georgia enjoyed the weather, the camaraderie, and the food at the club's annual autumn Lobster Bash and Oyster Roast. A bountiful array of snacks were brought by everyone from the steamed shrimp to the chips, crackers, garlic/spinach plus clam dip as well as a fruit tray and much, much more.
It was warmer than last year as oysters were opened under very clear skies. When the mollusks were finished, the 2 lb. lobsters, pasta Alfredo, chicken marsala, salad with several dressing choices, and dinner rolls were served after which pineapple upside down cake, brownies, and cherry chocolate chip ice cream completed the meal. The hot tub was well used all evening. It was definitely a perfect gathering. A huge round of applause to our host for his oyster cooking and lobster steaming skills (in white wine, water, and rosemary).
To those of you who were unable to be there, you were missed. Travelites next event will be on December 4th, our annual Winter Holiday Party and Italian potluck supper southeast and adjacent to Columbia, SC. It was suggested that we have a Secret Santa type of gift exchange rather than the grab bag under the tree. That would mean we would have to know who is attending earlier. The Secret Santa listing would have a number attached to your name when you RSVP and you would let us know what number you select. Everyone who RSVPs would submit a list of things they might want from a gift card to Target to a CD, etc. The price range suggested is $10 to $15. Let e know which you would prefer.
The last event for the year will be on December 18. Location to be announced. If you are able to host this event, please let me know. If anyone would like to host a New Years Eve gathering, please let us know that as well.

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