North Georgia Mountain Area Nudists

A group for all those in the lower Blueridge mountains area that enjoy nudism. If youre within reasonable driving distance of the Blueridge mountains in the Northern Georgia, Western North Carolina, or Eastern Tenn area, then join.

Three NC Hikes - June 20,21,22 on the...

Three hikes planned for the Bartram Trail. Franklin NC will be our base. June 20 - 12.9 miles (Easy to moderate) June 21 - 15.4 miles with 7.2 mile early out option. (Strenuous) June 22 - 10.9 miles (Easy to moderate)

Serendipity and Chatooga

We have settled on July 14-18 for the Serendipity nudist resort and Chatooga River beaches and waterfalls long weekend trip. If you haven't been on one of these, I highly recommend this one, since we know this...

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Bartram Trail Hikes - May 14th and 15th

Two hikes planned on the Bartram Trail near Robbinsville, NC. Monday, May 14th - 10.5 Miles Tuesday, May 15th - 12.7 Miles Join us!

Benton MacKaye Trail Hike - May 13th

Planning a hike on the Benton MacKaye Trial in north Georgia for Sunday the 13th of May. This will be a 12.7 mile hike and is rated easy to moderate. The hike will take place near Cherry Log, Ga. Plan on spending 7 hours on the trail. We will be...

Hi new to group

Hi new to the group and nudism. I live in Martin Georgia and would like to meet fellow nudists in Georgia

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Secret Beach

Kind of last minute but some of us are going to the unofficial nude beach on the Chattooga River, tomorrow July 29th around noon. If interested let me know and I will send you directions. Please only tell nudists about this great private place to...


It looks like beautiful weather this weekend, so we're planning a hike to the unofficial nude beach on the Chattooga River on Sunday. If interested in meeting near this beach, let me know. It's about a four mile drive down a forest service...

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Bartram Trail Hikes - November 8 & 9

Join us for hikes on the Bartram Trail in North Carolina. The hikes will be on Wednesday, Novemmber 8 (12.9 miles) and Thursday, November 9 (10.8 miles). The hikes will be moderate and will be just to the west of Franklin, North Carolina.

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Sept. 25th - Benton MacKaye Trail hike

Strenuous 11.6 mile hike planned for the Benton MacKaye Trail near Blue Ridge, Georgia.

group photo change?

Would it be possible to change the profile photo for this group? The photo doesn't seem compatible with a non-sexual site. Hard to explain that one to my wife.

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by KevLin