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My garden is producing!!

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I am finally getting more than sporadic production from my garden. Right now, there are probably 10+ cherry tomatoes, two good sized zucchini and a couple of crookneck (yellow) squash ready for picking. Before this crop, I had not harvested a single squash but produced many worms. It was a very nice change. We also have watermelon, eggplants and more peppers in the works. And, the bugs have been kept at bay so far. With luck, I will have a real crop this season. I wont hold my breath as this is early June & a long bug season awaits. Is anyone else having any success?

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RE:My garden is producing!!

We started off well, but since we don't use chemicals, the squash and bean bugs got us. Its still producing Chinese Long Beans, tomatoes, herbs, sweet potatoes, peppers and leafy greens.

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RE:My garden is producing!!

Yes, we've canned so many beans and tomatoes! We began with 125 tomato plants! I think the work is worth it to know where the food came from and what was done to produce it. Good thing we eat a lot of veggies!

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