Nude Swimmers

A group for those of us who enjoy nude swimming - for fun - for exercise and for competition. List places where you can swim laps nude please

Blind Creek

Saw on another board that a group organized a mass nude swim at Blind Creek on July 21. Did anyone here go? If so, how was it?

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swimming nude AKA skinny dipping

I have found that hotels with pools late at night often work for me. Especially if my hubby keeps a lookout and runs interference for me. But, even if I'm caught it is not bad. Often the new people will choose to skinny dip with me.

nude underwater swimming

I am a 61 year old single attractive handsome African American male nudist and I do want to let everyone know that I do love nude underwater swimming whether it be at a pool at a nudist resort and or the open ocean without the sharks and the...

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If you live near Tigard Oregon..

If you live near Tigard, Oregon and you own a swimming pool and you are a nudist, would you let a nudist swimmer come swim in your pool? I realize the odds of that trifecta (Tigard, swimming pool and a nudist) is slim. However, what can it hurt to...

If you live near Tigard Oregon..

If you live near Tigard, Oregon and you own a swimming pool and you are a nudist, would you let a nudist swimmer come swim in your pool? I realize the odds of that trifecta (Tigard, swimming pool and a nudist) is slim. However, what can it hurt to...

Which came first

Swimming nude or sleeping nude. When we moved into this house, it had a pool with a low chain link fence, so I could only swim nude after dark. It didn't make sense to put something on to go to bed, so I slept nude on nights I went swimming....

Temperature limits?

Fall seems to be coming early this year after a near-perfect summer up here in New England. Just swam a mile naked in my local pond down the road this morning at a water temp of 68 F at the shoreline - chilly but nearly perfect otherwise, the sun...


Got to swim and sun nude in my pool and on the deck yesterday. Had to cut it short because one of my wife's friends invited herself over.

Oosterplas Netherlands

I love to swim in natural water, a dune lake close by is my favorite, and lots of people do like it to. Swimming year around is my goal, not reached yet but getting close. And always nude :-)

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Looking for swimming pool in Montreal? Any ideas for swimming pools naked!

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