Nudity And Nude Scenes In Movies An

This group is for all those who love seeing nudity on film or TV, either seeing actors and actresses naked or group scenes of nudity. There is often a sexual component to much film nudity. This is about the nudity and body exposure or natural expression of nudity, rather than the sexual intent. It's for a discussion on how nudity in films might have influenced their own views on the naked...

Hawaii by Marco Berger, 2013

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I love this movie. Marco Berger is a great director and the two lead actors are compelling and attractive. This all make Hawaii a beautifully appealing movie. It is slow and a little different from many relationship centered movies where you see people come together and then conflict ensues and drives the film.

In this film the two people come together and we see this very subtle gentle (sometimes quite frustrating) connection developing. They knew each other as boys and only after reuniting as adults do they start to remember some of their connection when younger. Think Brokeback Mountain it's a bit like that.
There is not a whole lot of nudity in this movie, but I found myself wanting it. And then when I was given the few moments it was deeply expressive and meaningful. Maybr by not having lots of naked exposure you are given a deeper glimpse into their needs and desires. There wasn't a lot of nudity in Brokeback Mountain but we certainly get a deep connection with those men and what went on between them. The same as here on a much more subtle level but it's really a beautiful film.

Marco Berger is a great filmmaker. Plan B and Taekwondo are two movies you also should see. In fact I think I might post some information on each of them individually Taekwondo has some nice nude scenes.

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