Off Grid Living , Renewable Energy

I am an independent contractor building an off grid home in the national forest. This group is for folks interested in knowing more about the project, but also a place to share your own construction related stories. This group is not only for construction professionals, I would love to hear from everyone who has tried to build something naked, from a bird house in the garage and up. Lets have...

Not 100% OFF GRID

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I think like many members here, I am not completely off grid. That being said, I have used quality windows, insulation and energy efficient systems. I live in an area with harsh winters and oppressive summers (at times). Therefore heat and AC are pretty much a necessity. In comparison to other homes of similar size, a 500 Gallon Propane tank lasts me 1 1/2 to 2 years while others use 2, 3 or more tanks per winter. Ditto for Heat Pump AC. My summer electric bills "all inclusive" with at $25 base has never run over $100 in the hottest summer months. This includes lights (CFC, LED where possible) cooking, water (well, spring) and all that it includes, such as showers. Oh, and I have an "on demand" water heater. My second one and I cannot say enough about how great it is not having a wasteful, "always on" gas or electric water heater. It pays for itself in 2-3 years of use. Then the only time it uses energy at all is when you turn on a hot water tap somewhere.
Now, as to my other ways of saving on water, utilities etc. I do have a well. But my waste water from showers and the kitchen NOT the toilet) is routed out to 55 gallon drums that I use not only as a source of watering my gardens but they are painted black, facing a SW exterior wall, so in colder weather, it heats the water enough that MOST times, it does not freeze. So all in all, my utility bills in comparison to similar homes in my area are about 1/3 of theirs. I am considering going Geo Thermal for heating/cooling but am still in the "gathering information" stage.

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