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Body positivity

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I am curious to hear people's thoughts about body positivity. Do you see it as just another marketing ploy by the fashion industry - heroine needled pale and gaunt one year and obese and bursting the next, all dressed with pricey labels? Does it reflect an affirmation and acceptance of people to choose and live with their chosen lifestyle without being slaves to outside standards? Or is it yet another thing to divide us?

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RE:Body positivity

I am curious to hear people's thoughts about body positivity. Do you see it as just another marketing ploy by the fashion industry - heroine needled pale and gaunt one year and obese and bursting the next, all dressed with pricey labels? Does it reflect an affirmation and acceptance of people to choose and live with their chosen lifestyle without being slaves to outside standards? Or is it yet another thing to divide us?

Depends on whether you look at the superficial treatment marketing and pr gives to everything it absorbs or you look at how it's practiced by people in given communities as a way of affirming their bodies and their mental health in a culture that is largely oppressive and restrictive.

My journey has been to accept myself as I am not as I compare to others and to work on positive affirmations and actively shutting down negative self appraisals. I'm also careful to give positive comments to others and be supportive and kind. Body diversity in fashion is always going to be about objectfication and exclusivity because that's how fashion works.

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RE:Body positivity

I'm also careful to give positive comments to others and be supportive and kind. Body diversity in fashion is always going to be about objectfication and exclusivity because that's how fashion works.

To be kind and to call marketers on their manipulation: a good combination to keep and balance. Thanks!

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