Photography Nudists

This group is for those who love Photography! Whether your an amatuer or professional, it doesn't matter. Tell us what your favorite type of photographs are to take. It could be Nature, Portrait, Self-Portrait, Studio, People, Nudes, etc.

I thought it would be great for the Photography Nudist Group to insert pictures of all types into our posts. Others in the group could comment or critique. I realize, of course, that there are several places on the site to post photos. I tried various formats and methods of posting here but nothing worked. Adobe PDF Writer may be an answer but I do not have it installed.
An easy solution would be that if we have photos which we wish to share with others in our group would be to insert them into our profile and post a note here. "New photos available for viewing by Photography Nudists. See my profile"
Grin and bare it.

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