Professionals Who Are Nudists

This group is for nudists who, for professional and business networking reasons, need to remain discreet. Discussions on how to balance nudism with discretion can be discussed.

I was wondering how people balance their professional life with nudism. What do you do if there are people related to your job who you would rather not know you are a nudist or you wouldn't want them to access nude pictures of you?

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RE:Being Discrete

Years ago, when my wife and I lived in the DC area, we were members of Pine Tree Associates. One Sunday afternoon we were sitting around the pool when I looked over and saw one of my best customers and his wife on the "prospective member tour". It was clear he saw me, too, so there was little else to do but go over and welcome them to the club. They joined us for the afternoon, all nude of course, and we had a great time. They became very good friends (and members of the club) and he continued to be one of my best customers. So the "bad" consequences we fear of being "found out" probably aren't as bad as we imagine.

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RE:Being Discrete

I have never had the experience of meeting a colleague or client, but if i did meet kne of them at a nude event, wht not speak with them? We are all there for the same reason. ..we are nudists. There should be no shame in meeting someone you know or work with. Obviously they have been quiet about their nudist life, sk why would you think they wo6rat you out. They most likely wouldn't say anything because it would out them as well

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RE:Being Discrete

not different than finding a colleague in a specific restaurant or sporting event: they're all there to experience something you both like, so you might as well acknowledge and build on it professionally or personally.

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RE:Being Discrete

I met a man on TN who was into hiking nude in my area. We communicated for some time and then I saw him in the chat room and realized we knew each other. We planned (me not disclosing I knew him) out a hike and the moment came when we finally officially met. I found it awkward but pushed thorough the feelings.

We had a great naked hike that day and he told me
That he had already figured out he knew me before the hike. Being naked obviously made us closer friends. Roosevelt said we have nothing to fear but fear itself.

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RE:Being Discrete

I find as I get older, I either don't care any more or I have learned to prioritize what is actually important to me, i.e. focusing on the truly big things in life. We shouldn't have to hide something so innocent as being a nudist, but I absolutely understand why one must care due to job or otherwise.

Never someone from work, but some years back - I opened a profile on a different nudist site and found my barber! I wasn't upset (he'd know I viewed his profile and I discovered he viewed mine). Needless to say, my next haircut was interesting. He brought it up (small shop, so we were able to talk) and I confirmed yes I was a nudist. The conversation, surprisingly, went quite normally and smoothly. We discussed places we'd been and yes eventually went hiking and hung out at a place we'd both enjoyed for years. I think nudists bond in ways that others don't. Open and trusting bonds. In this case, two people bound professionally became nudist friends too, which I think is cool.

I also think, if you meet someone at a club or online, they are there for the same reason as you - they enjoy social nudity.

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RE:Being Discrete

While I am not one to hide my naturism and would consider myself an "out naturist", I do not discuss it at work. I do not see my work colleagues as personal friends but as professional friends. Beyond basic things I do not talk about my personal life at work. However, I do have a couple of work friends that are personal friends and I hang out with them outside of work. My naturism has come up in discussion and I do not shy away from talking about it.

I am not too concerned if professional colleagues come across my nude pictures online. In fact, I know it has happened. Few years ago, an assistant of mine saw a nude picture of me in a private nudism facebook group I belonged to. I know he saw it as he "liked" it. In addition to knowing he liked it, I also assume he is somewhat a naturist. He never bought it up at work and neither did I.

Lastly, I have come across one work colleagues at the local nude beach near my city. He was a former colleagues from years past. He did not see me but I walked over and said hello and we chatted and I moved my towel and chair over to his spot.

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RE:Being Discrete

I had one client couple that were members of a club and called me for an appointment at their club, giving me only the address. When I arrived and discovered the meeting site was clothing optional, I got naked and we conducted business. I got a few referrals from them of other folks who preferred to conduct as much as possible of their everyday activities without clothing and I enjoyed that a lot. These were elder folks and sadly are no longer in the area. I also have a colleague with whom I cross-refer clients who also enjoys doing business without clothing. I work from home and that is my office "dress code" as well. I would dearly love to have a practice patronized as much as possible by nudist/naturist/non-textile clients. Discretion is an absolute must in my profession, and I tread very carefully. I would have to see some very blatant and obvious signs before I broached the subject.

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RE:Being Discrete

While in the military as a career NCO, I kept an apartment off Base wherever I was stationed. It was always located on the opposite side of town and to this day I still use the rule that you had better call before you come over. After I retired and became a national spokesperson for several organizations I tried to keep my photo and name out of the newspapers, though sometimes that was impossible. I still do some civic work which I would not want them to have access to certain photos or information. So I use one set of emails for them and a different email name for my friends.

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RE:Being Discrete

I too have met a number of men that belong to a local club, but as was stated before, you are all there for the same reason, enjoy each other in this setting , it has gotten me personally much closer to these men and it is amazing

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