SpaWorld Centerville VA

For men who love to visit or want to visit spa world in Centerville VA.

Saturday March 28 2015

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The last Saturday of the month is fast approaching! Anyone else planning a visit to Spa World? I'll be there and I'm bringing at least one or two other guys from Philly down with me. Who else is in?

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RE: Saturday March 28 2015

Pix have been posted!!! Sal is just SOOOOOOO overdressed! LOL

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RE: Saturday March 28 2015

Great to hear you guys had a good time. I wish I was there. Sorry I missed all the fun. Please keep this spa get together going. I know you all will since it is so much fun.

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RE: Saturday March 28 2015

It was good fun. Glad to see everyone that could make it. It was slightly disappointing to have to open the door when leaving and have the cold air smack you in the face. Take care gents.

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