SpaWorld Centerville VA

For men who love to visit or want to visit spa world in Centerville VA.

Wet area reopened

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Spa World has reopened their wet area according to their website. My guess is they will be a lot stricter about enforcing the maximum occupancy. I can't see how they could operate like they did before Covid as it was often overcrowded. Tubs that only allowed five or six would have ten or more people packed in and the staff rarely said anything about it. The bade pool was sometimes so full, there was literally a line just to get in it. For those guys that were going to get "hot and bothered", thatwd will be more difficult.

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RE:Wet area reopened

Doesn't seem like it would make sense to wear a mask in the wet area. Any mention of them confirming vaccination status? I, for one, can't wait to be able to make a visit soon.

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RE:Wet area reopened

I called two days ago.....the pools are all drained but the sauna and steam room are open, maximum of 5 people in each, with masks and a 25 minute time limit. The dry saunas are open except for the red clay ball room and the ice room, both of which would be impossible to clean. The snack bar is open but not the restaurant.

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RE:Wet area reopened

Thanks guys for the updates. I do appreciate it very much. Many of us are looking forward to going back ASAP.
Has anyone heard anything about the new Korean spa called King Spa being open yet in Chantilly Virginia which is less than 9 miles from Spa World according to Google maps???

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RE:Wet area reopened

King Spa Virginia has a Facebook page. They said in their comments they would not open until they could open 100%, wet and dry areas so it's a waiting game. They also have a website holder but the actual site has not gone up yet. They did say interior pics would soon be added to their FB page.

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RE:Wet area reopened

Thank you for the info....

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