Talking About The Art Of The Body

lets talk about what turns us on, not just the simple things. Thigs like that perfect smile, or thoes dimples that just make you want to smile. Or what about the way every thing just lines up to make you fall in lust.

All shapes, ages and sizes

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The thing I like about the nude body is veriety. I appreceated this first when doing life-drawing. No doubt we all aspire to young, fit slim tanned bodies. But wouldn't it be boreing if we all looked the same? Maybe our bodies even reflect our character or lifestyle. Mine just looks lived-in.

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RE:All shapes, ages and sizes

I agree with you. You wrote this many moons ago. Yet, I totally agree. Each and every single person. Male or female. THE BODIES WE HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH AND GIFTED AR BIRTH. To this present day. We are all very extremely beautiful/handsome and amazingly unique in our very own way. I love, respect, honor, enjoy, and appreciate every single person's unique body. I don't honor race, sex, size, genre's etc...
Blessings to you all, Bryan

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