Certified Only group

False profiles reduction

I think that being a certified member is a further guarantee for everyone due to the large number of fake profiles that, unfortunately, are present on the site. I fear it is a problem that is not easy to solve for those who administer the site. The...

My take on fake profiles

I've seen several threads on here about the fake profiles. Here's my take on it. Yes it's easy to make a profile here, all you need is an email. I think 90% of the fake profiles could be eliminated if the admin would implement a...

Do you FLAG the fakes? The SPAM is out of...

I Flag the fake profiles about ten times each time they try to friend me. I try to Flag the SPAM profiles at least 20 or 30 times a day. Maybe if more people would just take 5 minutes every day and Flag the SPAM profiles the owners of this site...

No Tan Lines at home

Anyone else on here able to get sunshine at home? Clear sunny skies here in Arizona and I have my first sunburn of the year now. Going to be 94 today so going out in the back yard is very nice. Have to stay under the umbrella until the sunburn heals...

Beautiful summer weather here in the west

Hope everyone is enjoying the Spring weather. Here in the west USA, it is already very warm in the 90s and soon to be in the 100s.

Nice certified

Nice to meet other certified, if any certified ladies want chat I here

Latest Post

And now we have a whole new problem. We have trolls amongst us hiding behind a noble cause. Seems to be 4 of them. They could all be the same person for all I know. Circular arguments, hijacking other topics for the sole purpose of stalking another...

Nudist friends

I'm relatively new here so I'm really looking for other nudist here to be friends with. I'm 20 in two weeks. Send me a PM if you want to chat with me.

Latest Post
hi new to this group :)

thank you for adding me :) my name is jim here in ohio jim bobway :) have a great nude day

Naked without shame

This is a nudist site and therefore adhering to the freedom and truth that being naked offers, I show myself in all the photos that I post without any clothing and without being ashamed. It should be normal for everyone to post their own photos...