Sun lovers

Missing Sun

I am waiting patiently for warmer weather. I am tired of wearing clothing. At night when everyone is a sleep, I would go on my back porch and sit. I want to join a group or a land base site in 2020

Finally warm enough!!!

I've spent two days in the back yard, soaking up the sun!! It feels great!! I'm pretty sure my neighbor caught me but I don't even care. I'm working on a privacy fence. But I couldn't wait. I just love the feel of the sun on my...

Get the Sun . . . at the Beach

Always love the sun anytime. But not when it's at hottest (11am - 3pm) time of the day. At the beaches, where else?

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Getting some sun today

Well its the day after Christmas 2021 in South Carolina and Im sitting nude on my back deck getting some sun. Feels great outside and I even walked around the yard a bit. Last summer was probably the first year I didnt have any tan lines since I...

We are heading to the 90's

I am so excited for the warm weather! We plan to soak up the sun and enjoy our oasis san clothes the entire weekend!


We are into autumn here now, the heat has reduced, more cloudy days, so trying to get some sun and vitamin D whenever I can. It's been a cloudy / less sunny summer due to the La Nina weather cycle here in Oz with more rain & cloud & humidity,...

Naked in my back garden

I've a place in my back garden where I'm not overlooked for some nude sunbathing - see pic

Gunnison 9/20

Went to Gunnison yesterday. Still puzzled how some people (mostly men) have very dark, perfectly even tans. Are they always nude or covered from head to toe when outdoors?

When was your last Sun bath in nude?

I had it on 4th Jan, on a hill slope. Have pics also will post in some time. Today morning, I am planning to be in sun on my roof (not nude) and will have self oil massage and then will have bath in sun, in nude. There is a place for that.

Rock River VT

Going to Rock River Sept 10 and 11 if the weather is good. Anyone else going?

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