Fill out your Profile info

I really dont understand why more people cant take the extra time to finish filling out there account Profile age with everything they need to put on there instead of beeing a blank profile when someone wants to view the profile there is nothing there ...I ask is that being Lazy or just being alucker and not being a real true nudist ..

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RE: Fill out your Profile info

I agree. A whole ten minutes out of someone's life. And get certified while their at it!
Agreed they according to this site are TRUE NUDISTS! What bull shit! Ask the people who were at Sunny Rest last weekend if we were TRUE NUDIST? Again no sign around the neck saying we are TRUE NUDISTS sent over the internet for anybody. Period. If it is just to see picshow does that make you a TRUE NUDISTS? Sounds more like you are TRUE PEEPING TOM? ( I hate that my name is Tom )
OK Done with my rant. I got reverse racism at Best Buy today. Ya Im white and the manager was black. Sorry to vent.

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RE: Fill out your Profile info

I got reverse racism at Best Buy today. Ya Im white and the manager was black. Sorry to vent.
Please do elaborate.

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RE: Fill out your Profile info

So many people say they want to meet "new" people but it's always a case of you first. I have no problem with some people needing to remain secretive about some information but they must be willing to open up at least mimimally to gain acceptance. This site is based a lot on trust. It is up to the other members if they want to believe what a member writes in his profile. I don't see what harm it would do if a person entered things like their marital status, music preferences, favorite movies, heros, religion, favorite activities. etc. The profile does not have to be completed in one setting. A person can fill out certain parts each day and keep coming back to edit their entries. The only thing that certification does is hopefully to prove that there is a real person behind the profile. I just wish that there was an ironclad way to screen out the phonies.

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RE: Fill out your Profile info

I got reverse racism at Best Buy today. Ya Im white and the manager was black. Sorry to vent.
Please do elaborate.

Well, but wouldn't have this called for another thread???

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RE: Fill out your Profile info

Well i can say as a newbie on the web site I can say I love TrueNudist and I have all my profile info filled out and the only thing I have not done as of yet is put nude pic on there with my ID Name and my nude pic so that I can get certified I allso still have to pay what the web site wants to become a full member ..That is comming soon I am having a hard time with money trouble right now though ..That is the only thing holding me back

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RE: Fill out your Profile info

Well i can say as a newbie on the web site I can say I love TrueNudist and I have all my profile info filled out and the only thing I have not done as of yet is put nude pic on there with my ID Name and my nude pic so that I can get certified I allso still have to pay what the web site wants to become a full member ..That is comming soon I am having a hard time with money trouble right now though ..That is the only thing holding me back
but the point is, with your profile being private you are almost as anonymous to the TN community as people that leave their profile blank.

It might be nice if there were options like "public to certified members"

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RE: Fill out your Profile info

Well i can say as a newbie on the web site I can say I love TrueNudist and I have all my profile info filled out and the only thing I have not done as of yet is put nude pic on there with my ID Name and my nude pic so that I can get certified I allso still have to pay what the web site wants to become a full member ..That is comming soon I am having a hard time with money trouble right now though ..That is the only thing holding me back
If I am reading this correctly I think you may have misunderstood the situation, there is no compulsion to pay anything to become a certified member. It is free (apart from the cost of a little ink, a piece of paper and a couple of photos). The full member thing is entirely separate.

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RE: Fill out your Profile info

I got reverse racism at Best Buy today. Ya Im white and the manager was black. Sorry to vent.
Please do elaborate.
There's no such thing as 'reverse racism'. There's racism and there's racism pure and simple. The relative colour or race of the racist and the victim are immaterial and does not affect the seriousness of the offence.
Meanwhile, back on topic, I had no idea that so many men were only four feet one inch tall until I signed up here.

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RE: Fill out your Profile info

I got reverse racism at Best Buy today. Ya Im white and the manager was black. Sorry to vent.
Please do elaborate.
There's no such thing as 'reverse racism'. There's racism and there's racism pure and simple. The relative colour or race of the racist and the victim are immaterial and does not affect the seriousness of the offence.
Meanwhile, back on topic, I had no idea that so many men were only four feet one inch tall until I signed up here.
When I joined up I thought I had found a freak show with the number of profiles listing that. But the truth is slightly more boring: apparently that is the default setting when you sign up.

I find it strange that some people think that racism only exists in one direction (and also that it has to be between different colours). I know quite a few Black folks who originated from the West Indies and there is friction between the Islands out there.

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RE: Fill out your Profile info

Exactly. Becoming certified is completely free, and that's as far as you need to go, if you so choose. There is little benefit to becoming a paying member, other than full access to pictures, in which you stated earlier you have no interest in, so you can save your $$$ in that aspect.
There is one big benefit to becoming a paid member. This site is expensive to run and the paid members make it possible for everyone to enjoy it. If you're not a paid member then you can't complain about how the site runs. Just wish we could get the non-paying trolls and pervs off of the site.

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