RE:How much of your body do you shave?

Nose to Toes, except arms and pits,. and back, can't reach that, but I am able to get my hips and crack

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RE:How much of your body do you shave?

I shave chest and down. I dont touch arms. Getting a wax done so i dont have to shave every other day
I love the feeling of no hair

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RE:How much of your body do you shave?

We gave shaving our genital area a try decades ago for personal reasons but very soon found that we preferred the look and feel of having smooth genitals for other reasons besides sex. It's a personal choice and preference that has nothing to do with nudism but it something we're glad we tried, we do and will not return to growing our hair out in all those places we have removed it.

This applies to us as well. We love sthe smooth feeling

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