In the news again!!

What's the go with the regular complaints about male perverts at this beach???
If us nudists don't accept that some people can be offended by the naked cock, we will soon loose the few legal places we still have!!
It's one thing to say that the textiles should know better on a legal "clothing optional" beach but it's another thing to deliberately target them with a display that gives them cause to make an issue.
For the sake of keeping this famous beach legally nude please show some respect to all. It is still a public place for all to share!!

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RE:In the news again!!

Agreed. It's not the cocks that are the proble,. I think that's it's some people assaulting women or more to the point making gestures and lewd comments. Dicks get hard sometimes and sometimes games get played. I think it's just a matter of time if to be honest

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RE:In the news again!!

I have just heard about this - not good at all. We need this beach!

They wouldn't want to approach my wife and or I - they will not get to the carpark in one piece! The losers stand out like sore thumbs and often walk the beach higher up from the waterline. I just scowl and they walk faster. Regular beachgoers need to be more vigilant as a group - we all know who are there to just relax and those there to make life uncomfortable.

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RE:In the news again!!

I'm assuming Belongil, syd80, as this is in the Belongil group.

Does anyone have a link to the article? Or a summary?

Very disappointing. The better half of us refuses to go to Belongil because of past encounters. Real shame because it is such a lovely corner of the earth. This is how vigilant groups start. Pretty sure most of these creepers will run a mile if confronted directly in a group.


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RE:In the news again!!

It's a shame that there are so many morons out there who ruin it for everyone else, we have similar issues at some beaches here, especially the ones that are out of the way, I guess they think that because it's so far away from textiles and enforcement agencies they are free to do whatever they want and play out their sexual fantasies in inappropriate settings.

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RE:In the news again!!

I think it might be the same everywhere - I saw a video of a nudist beach around San Fran (I think?) and there was a large rock wall behind the beach. The camera tilted up, and there was a GwC (Guy with Camera) with a long lens. Pretty sure he wasn't taking snaps of the midday sun.

This is why we only go to private venues now. :-( Such great natural beauty in the world, and those f heads ruin it. Go buy a porno or something!

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RE:In the news again!!

This appears to be the article concerned:

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RE:In the news again!!

I think as Australian nudists, deep down we are a minority who are frightened to make a scene, least we lose what few meagre gains we have. There's a percentage of nudists that are OK with the creepers and peepers, because they're the "live and let live" types. There's also a small percentage who are OK with it because they're into "a bit of fun" themselves. But then there's the rest of us who don't like the creeps, but we are frightened we will lose our beaches if there's too much smoke, so we keep quiet.

But keeping quiet lets them flourish, and when they flourish they get emboldened, and someone will get hurt. Its an awkward spot to be in, but we shouldn't have to put up with it.

The article I linked above mentions a couple who have been on that beach for decades who have never "seen a thing". This is exactly what I am talking about: a "nothing to see here" attitude. Last both of us were on that beach was 7 or 8 years ago and it only took 5 mins to be harassed.

We did some more reading and there's been a sexual assault reported there over the winter.
Further searching shows a spike in recent articles talking about harassing and obscene behaviour on and above the beach. Maybe its legit, or maybe someone is planting articles so the beach will be closed. Either way, public sex acts that harass people is not harmless, it's not a bit of fun, there are victims and it changes the vibe of the area. The authorities will take action, and we all know what that action will be. :-(

I'd like to encourage everyone to get on the phone to the police if you see a pervert (make it uncomfortable for them), but I also know that will feed into statistics and might end up killing it anyway? The beach is already lost to the both of us, and probably hundreds like us. It's a downhill run it would seem, so what do we have to lose?

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RE:In the news again!!

Thanks for finding those links.

When does this councillor get his motion voted on?

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RE:In the news again!!

All - hop on to and sign the petition to keep the clothes free status!

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RE:In the news again!!

Is this the petition?

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