Unusual nude photos

I'd like to propose a challenge to those daring nudists out there. Post nude pics of yourself in odd places where people aren't regularly nude. Construction sites, businesses, grocery stores??? I will kick things off soon. Gotta go load a photo!

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RE:Unusual nude photos


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RE:Unusual nude photos

That's the spirit!

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RE:Unusual nude photos

This an odd one. Caught in the headlights by a dumpster!

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RE:Unusual nude photos

That is a good one , you needed your hands on your head. Dam it's all fun an games till the cops show up.. lol

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RE:Unusual nude photos

Here are a few.

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RE:Unusual nude photos

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RE:Unusual nude photos

omg i am so annoyed i had lots of photos of me naked in different unusual locations, until some b******'s came into my house and decided they wanted some of my stuff the worst of it was they took my external hard drive with all my pictures in
one of the best ones that i recall, was of me in glorious sunshine on one of those day boats going down the Norfolk broads (you will have to use your imagination)

i now have the arduous (or is that delicious) task of replacing my photos

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RE:Unusual nude photos

omg i am so annoyed i had lots of photos of me naked in different unusual locations, until some b******'s came into my house and decided they wanted some of my stuff the worst of it was they took my external hard drive with all my pictures inone of the best ones that i recall, was of me in glorious sunshine on one of those day boats going down the Norfolk broads (you will have to use your imagination)i now have the arduous (or is that delicious) task of replacing my photos

Will the naughty folks be able to access your nude photos? Could keep them on a password protected thumb drive, which is easier to hide and/or take with you.

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RE:Unusual nude photos

I already uploaded some (post #8). Here is my latest.

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RE:Unusual nude photos

Great pics...wish i was on that boat with you

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