RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I was a late bloomer when it came to nudism (around age 40). I think people are prone to compliment others such as "nice outfit, nice photo of you, nice tan, etc." When I joined the site, others complimented my anatomy. Hearing "nice looking penis" was alarming to hear. Granted I don't want an ugly looking one. LOL! However, it's not a comment I would normally hear. Now, I shrug it off. To me, I just take a compliment or positive remark as just that and show gratitude.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I agree, take it as a compliment.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I take compliments as they are. While I don't compliment body parts, I do comment on their beauty, hair or jewelry. Sometimes the jewelry points to a likable body part. Same as I do for textiles. Why should it be different just because one clothing has changed? Enjoy life. Make others happy by complimenting them accordingly.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I take it as a compliment.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I have had many compliments at our nudist beach as I am bald I do get lots so just take it all as a nice compliment and sometimes I I give back some Cheers Diane

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I have had many compliments at our nudist beach as I am bald I do get lots so just take it all as a nice compliment and sometimes I I give back some Cheers Diane

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

Compliments on your genitalia from your spouse or partner are always welcome but they are not appropriate in many settings. You'd get fired if you said to a coworker "Nice T***s". In many cases I feel the same on this site. I know I'm in the minority but I am on this site to enjoy being nude with like minded people. To me, being nude shouldn't be any different than being clothed I get comments on my genitals from people I don't know and think it is not appropriate. If they say something after we get to know each other, I'm OK with it. In either case, I just say "thank you" because i give them the benefit of the doubt that it was intended as a compliment.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

If it's a partner, that's one thing. From a stranger, it's inappropriate. Rule of thumb, don't compliment anyone's body parts if those parts are normally covered with clothing.


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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

I would consider a comment like this as totally inappropriate and borderline offensive. The person should be instructed on appropriate comments in a nudist situation.

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RE:What if someone complimented you on your anatomy? How would it make you feel!

i find it rather strange that individuals need to comment on body parts, like we had a choice in that body part been what it is. Granted we can draw attention to it by what we choose to enhance with it. In a public forum, such as TN or a spa, that 's not an appropriate comment to make. I don't take offense to it, I just let it go by and move on, but it does give me an idea to what they see nudism to be.

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