RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

It is sad. There are profiles, both male and female, which promote a sexual side by the way they either position their bodies or by showing erections.

So here is a question, then. Our own Pearl has at least one spread leg picture. Did anyone complain about it? I have noticed a double standard, in that if a woman posts a picture that "promotes a sexual side," she is seen as expressing confidence and empowerment, but if a man does so, he is seen as a likely predator. And this carries over onto textile beaches. At least among the younger crowd, thong bikinis are more and more the norm for women; but let a man appear in anything more revealing than baggy knee length board shorts, and people get uncomfortable.

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

You are not alone and I was just going to write the same thing...

No difference. I kinda think the spread eagle is more offensive, but I am not easy offended.

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

If somebody is offended by an erection, they should be just as offended by open crotch shots of women. Can't hide behind art...if that was the case I have an erection shot that is VERY artistic (as it was meant to be) but I can't post it. Double standard when you consider all the spread eagle shots.

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

If you look back you will see the initial question came from a man.

Sitting with open legs is more comfortable for both men and women, especially if it's hot and intimate parts might get sweaty. Any open leg shot shows the genitals fully. It is very full exposure. If that is seen as sexual it may be down to the thoughts of the viewer.

Erections can happen unexpectedly, especially amongst men much younger than me. Yes, he could wait for the erection to subside before the photo is taken. Having said that I have found that being asked to pose nude by a woman (including my sister) can cause me to have an unintended erection, without any erotic thoughts

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

I just wish I had to worry about being offensive! However, such is not the case for me. If I were in a social setting, and I saw an erection, would I be offended? Nah. Envious? Yep. Of course, context is always key.

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

I'm so with you on that. Great question to be asking at this point and time.

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

it just goes to the content of the situation. The site has rules and they should be followed and if you really need to post an erection then do it on TS. I really don't see the point of posting it, we all know what it is and we've all seen them, sometimes by error and others times we've gone looking for them (hey lets be honest!). But when you don't expect them and they are posted, are they not basically not carrying about the spirit and trust of this site? I personally don't care to see them and if a 'friend' does post one, I'm like "OK" he's gone from my friends list. I'm personally not on here to be sexually stimulated and don't care to be, I'm happy from where I get it. Now about the mods, well at least my pics don't go thru a mod, they now post right away, no more waiting days for 'approval'. Guess it's now up to each individual to police themselves and/or us the rest of the members. My two cents worth.

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

It is amazing to be how many times this discussion keeps coming up(pun intended). We are all different and we need to work towards accepting people as they are not as we want them to be. This culture of being offended is getting as old on this site as it is on Facebook. If you don't like it, move on. If you do like it, click like and move on.
We are all individuals and cannot be easily confined to a single definition. If we as nudists can't accept each other then how can we ever expect the non-nudists to accept us?

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

I think its pretty awesome that we could have this discussion here. My personal belief is that men get erect and for the most part it cant be controlled, ( I wish I could tell my dick to go down, and for it to just listen) if hard things make you uncomfortable, I think pics with perky nipples on both men and women should be taken down,

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RE:Is it just me or does anyone else find pictures of men on here showing an erection offensive?

This thread keeps appearing in my feed because I get alerted to my friends' posts. As tiresome as the whole "erections are just uncontrollable and entirely normal" is to me, there remains the matter of what the site rules are. So if they have decided against men sporting erections in their pics, then I think all of us have a responsibility to not submit them. Playing "let's see what I can get away with" is sophomoric. Complaining is a right, of course. But that doesn't equal ignoring the site standards.

To those guys who just can't control their boners, please take all the pics you like, just post them somewhere where they will be welcome, even admired. Eventually you will accidentally catch a pic flaccid, and then post it here.

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