Squashed balls

Worst thing about male nudity.
Just got out of a long soak in a lovely hot bath, hot enough to get a bit of sweat on my brow.

Dried off, grabbed a drink and went to sit back still naked in the armchair.
Soon realised how much my balls had dropped in the hot soak, squashed my right ball between my thighs, damn it hurt.

Will make sure that doesn't happen again lol

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RE:Squashed balls

Lol mine weren't that low just enough to go between thighs.
Like you I normally ride higher, think that is reason I like hot weather

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RE:Squashed balls

Lol mine weren't that low just enough to go between thighs.
Like you I normally ride higher, think that is reason I like hot weather

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RE:Squashed balls

My balls ride pretty high most of the time, even in hot weather. It's a genuine cause for celebration if they hang low enough to get squashed, which rarely happens!

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RE:Squashed balls

When hot I simply pull my balls out of the way and maybe sit with legs apart. Then there is no problem

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RE:Squashed balls

Mine are usually pretty tight up there. When out in the sun they do hang a little lower but not too much and I'm plenty okay with that. Not a big fan of big balls.

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RE:Squashed balls

mine always hang down when it's hot and tuck up when it's cold.

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RE:Squashed balls

I've never had a problem with my low-hangers, but I do have to pull them out from between my legs every time I stand up.

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RE:Squashed balls

Mine occasionally dip in to the toilet water -- that's always a surprise!!

I'm with Olly -- get in the habit of pulling them out of the way and sitting with your legs apart. You'll save yourself future pain and grief.

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RE:Squashed balls

My balls hang low almost all of the time except when very cold so you just get used to them being there - it's nice when naked and sitting down to let them swing over the edge of the chair.

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RE:Squashed balls

When hot I simply pull my balls out of the way and maybe sit with legs apart. Then there is no problem

thats pretty much, what I do. Depending on temperature my ball are either snug to my body or hangig "low" especially with a stretcher in place its unavoidable, but since we all at one point had that squishing happen to us, I think we all are aware of low hanging balls in summer for instance and know how to avoid hurting ourself. either spreading legs and sitting, so they hang off the edge, or holding them, while sitting down. I personally like sitting with my feet propped up an an other chair, or bench, so they can rest against my ass : D which is kinda weird, when they touch that other sensitive area back there...

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